New Artist: Tajette Ohalloran

1 min read

Tajette O’Halloran (b. 1980) is a conceptual documentary artist, constructing realities that are based on her personal experiences and through research and collaboration become universal narratives. Through her practice Tajette explores the complexities of human connection, the deep seeds of generational trauma and the potential for beauty and intimacy amid adversity in Australia’s suburban landscapes. Tajette’s work has been exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally and has been shortlisted for many prestigious awards throughout her career. She has recently exhibited her work as a finalist in both the National Portrait Prize and the Olive Cotton Prize and has previously been selected as a winner in the British Journal of photography ‘Portrait of Humanity’ Award, a finalist in the Doug Moran Photographic Prize (2016-2019) and awarded ‘Honourable Mention’ in the William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize (2016). Tajette is currently living in Northern NSW and is a member of Oculi collective.